Current Student ResourcesResources
Jump to a Section
- Obtaining a Permission Number
- Enrollment/Degree Verification
- Questions About Curriculum, Plan of Study, Prerequisites, & Course Requirements
- Upcoming Master’s Thesis Defense, PhD Prospectus, or PhD Final Defense
- Student Lab Hostnames
- Textbooks for TAs
- Having a Course Petition Signed
- Confirmation Letter for Visa Renewal or to Travel
- TGS English Language Programs
- Printing Large Posters
- Overloading and Underloading Classes
- Travel Reimbursement Procedures
Obtaining a Permission Number
Students should email their requests to . Requests must include written consent from the instructor of the course the student wishes to enroll in.
Emailed requests must contain the following:
- The course number "ELEC_ENG/COMP_ENG/EECS __" and the phrase "permission number" in the subject line (this will be automatic if you click on the email address above).
- Your full name.
- Major and level (e.g. freshman, sophomore, etc.).
- Instructor's name.
- Your phone number (not required but useful to us if your email bounces back).
(Special note for "instructor consent" courses: Students must speak with the professor listed in CAESAR before requesting a permission number.)
Enrollment/Degree Verification
For more information, see the Registrar's Enrollment Verification website.
Questions about Curriculum, Plan of Study, Prerequisites, Course Requirements
Undergraduate students should contact Prof. Russ Joseph (CE) or Prof. Ying Wu (EE). Master's students should contact either Prof. David Zaretsky or the ECE Graduate Affairs Office. PhD students should contact their advisor, Prof. Randy Freeman, Prof. Jie Gu, or the ECE Graduate Affairs Office.
Upcoming Master's Thesis defense, PhD Prospectus, or phd Final Defense
You'll need to complete the Examination Request Form a few weeks in advance. Also, be sure to check in with the ECE Graduate Student Affairs Office personnel in Tech L359 (phone: 847-467-2165) for specific requirements, and make sure your adviser knows what your plans are. Read the appropriate sections of the CE Graduate Study Manual and EE Graduate Study Manual for pertinent information.
Student Lab Hostnames
Get a list of student lab hostnames.
Textbooks for TAS
See Catherine Healey in Tech L359, or
Having a Course Petition Signed
Contact Prof. Randy Freeman -
Confirmation Letter for VISA Renewal or to Travel
Please stop by Tech L359 or email ECE Graduate Student Affairs Office.
TGS English Language Programs
Phone: 847-491-5776
Address: 2016 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-409
Printing Large Posters
You have the following options:
- Bioimaging facility
- FedEx Office at Norris: 1999 Campus Drive, Ground Floor.
- Quartet Copies
Overloading and Underloading Classes
If you are an undergrad and would only like to take two classes (underload) or more than six classes (overload) in any given quarter, please contact Joseph Holtgreive.
Travel Reimbursement Procedures
Learn more about travel receipts and the university's reimbursement policy. This includes transportation, lodging, conference registration, and meals.