Academics / UndergraduateCombined BS/MS
The combined BS (or BA)/MS degree program allows you to work on a master's degree in electrical engineering or computer engineering at the same time you are completing your bachelor's degree. In most cases, it is possible to complete both degrees in five years or fewer. Some students are able to complete both degrees in four years.
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- The Benefits
- Eligibility Requirements
- Finding an Advisor
- When You Should Start to Plan
- Applying
- When to Apply
- Requirements to Complete the MS
- Counting Undergraduate Work Toward an MS
- Undergraduate Courses Versus Graduate Courses
- Choosing a Master’s Program in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering
- Course, Project, and Thesis-Based Master’s Options
- Changing Coursework to Project or Thesis Option Once You’ve Started MS Work
- Sample Curricula
- Completing the Program
- Cost
- Financial Aid
- Deciding You Don’t Want an MS
- Differences Between MS and PhD
- Switching to PhD Later
- For More Information
The Benefits
The benefits of a BS/MS or BA/MS are many, including better job prospects and efficient use of your college experience. Studies show that newly employed computer engineers and computer science graduates holding a master's degree have the potential to make almost 50 percent more money than engineering candidates with only a bachelor's degree and no experience.
Job candidates with a master's degree generally stand out in a field of applicants more so than similar candidates with a BS and no experience. For students whose bachelor's degree is not electrical engineering or computer engineering, the master's degree can provide entry into these lucrative fields.
In the shorter
Eligibility Requirements
Any Northwestern undergraduate enrolled in the Weinberg College or the McCormick School of Engineering is eligible to apply. Students in the undergraduate EE or CE programs are especially encouraged to consider the programs, as are McCormick and Weinberg students more generally. You do not need to be an electrical engineering or computer engineering major to be admitted.All students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher are welcome to apply once they have completed the prerequisite courses.
You are eligible for admission to the program once you are within four courses of completing your undergraduate degree. You are required to have completed the appropriate set of prerequisite courses prior to being accepted to the MS program. The prerequisite courses for each program are listed below.
- Students that wish to pursue an MS in CE must have successfully completed the courses below. All other requirements for an MS degree in CE apply.
- COMP_ENG 203: Introduction to Computer Engineering or COMP_ENG 303: Advanced Digital Design
- COMP_ENG 205: Fundamentals of Computer System Software or COMP_SCI 213: Introduction to Computer Systems
- COMP_SCI 211: Fundamentals of Computer Programming II
- Students that wish to pursue an MS in EE must have taken at least 3 of the following courses or their equivalent at either NU or their home institution:
- ELEC_ENG 221: Fundamentals of Circuits
- ELEC_ENG 222: Fundamentals of Signals and Systems
- ELEC_ENG 223: Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering
- ELEC_ENG 224: Fundamentals of Electromagnetics and Photonics
- ELEC_ENG 225: Fundamentals of Electronics
- ELEC_ENG 302: Probabilistic Systems
Finding an Advisor
Your graduate advisor should be a faculty member in the department who specializes in an area of study in which you wish to specialize. You may discuss your interests with the graduate director who can answer questions and then direct you to an appropriate faculty member.
You may also visit faculty web pages to read about their current research interests and find links to their recent publications in order to determine which faculty member might share your own interests. Once you have identified a faculty member or two whose research interests you, you should meet with him or her to discuss your plans.
When You Should Start to Plan
Sometime in the later part of your sophomore year or early in your junior year you should contact McCormick Graduate Programs about your intentions and you should start looking for a graduate advisor. Sometime during your junior
*Note: before applying, please contact McCormick Graduate Programs for an application fee waiver*
- Apply online using the CollegeNet admissions portal. This is an abbreviated version of the application used by external graduate applicants.
- Obtain a copy of your unofficial transcript (can be obtained from within CAESAR). Please upload your unofficial transcript to the BS/MS application.
- Meet with the appropriate MS program director to develop the MS study plan necessary for
application to The Graduate School. For EE and CE applicants, contact the Program Director. - Meet with your undergraduate advisor to compile a list of the courses you need to complete your BS or BA degree. Please note that you may not use a course that is required for your BS/BA as one of your courses for the MS; in other words, you may use a course to fulfill requirements for the BS/BA or the MS but not both.
Students will be notified via email once an application decision is rendered.
When to Apply
The BS/MS, BA/MS application is submitted the quarter prior to your being within five courses of completing your undergraduate degree. It is important to note that the earlier you start planning the easier it is to tailor your course selection to allow you to complete both degrees in a timely fashion.
Requirements to Complete the MS
The general requirements are that you satisfactorily complete 12 courses and pass an MS exam. Three of the courses must be 400 level courses. Beyond the general requirements, however, there are three options available for the MS program: coursework, project, or thesis. The coursework option requires you to complete 12 substantive courses and pass MS exams. The project and thesis options require you to complete 10 substantive courses and 2 courses designated as “research” or “thesis” courses during which you will engage in active, independent research with your graduate advisor.
Counting Undergraduate Work Toward an MS
Yes, but you may not use those same courses to fulfill requirements for both your BS/BA and MS. In other words, a course can only fulfill requirements for one degree (the BS/BA or the MS)
Undergraduate Courses Versus Graduate Courses
There are two answers to that question. First,
The second answer is that graduate courses are more rigorous than undergraduate courses and they will require more work from you. Graduate courses will require more reading, more discussion, and more writing than you find in most undergraduate courses. Undergraduate courses are designed, generally, to ground the student in the basic foundations of a discipline. Graduate courses are designed to prepare the student to contribute to the future direction of the discipline.
Consequently, undergraduate courses spend time making sure that students understand and can apply the fundamental building blocks of electrical engineering, or know how to select or design an appropriate data structure. Graduate courses, by contrast, will delve into theory, examine cutting edge research or programs and discuss the implications of the research, and engage the student in independent research. For example, many 400+ level courses are based around reading original, cutting edge research papers and working on research ideas. Graduate studies will challenge your critical thinking skills and
Choosing a Master’s Program in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering
This depends on your interests and your career or research goals.
If you are already in the EE or CE undergraduate program, the choice of an MS in EE or CE will let you acquire considerably more depth (and thus market value) in these areas. An MS in EE or CE will give you added value by broadening your expertise.
If you are in another undergraduate program at Northwestern, either master's degree will considerably broaden your expertise and thus marketability.
Generally speaking, the MS in EE or CE has a focuses on hardware.
In making your decision, you may also want to consider the research by the various faculty and the various Research Interest Groups. Once you find the area that attracts you most, it becomes easier to choose. The research interest groups are listed below.
- Solid State and Photonics: The dominant focus here is in electrical engineering.
- Signals and Systems: The dominant focus here is in electrical engineering.
- Computer Engineering: This research interest group focuses on all of
computer engineering and the computer science field of systems (including networking and security).
If you are unsure where your specific interests fall, your graduate advisor and the director of graduate studies will be happy to discuss options based on your specific goals.
Course, Project, and Thesis-Based Master’s Options
The MS program has three options you may choose from in order to complete the degree. Your long-range goals
The project option requires you to complete 10 traditional courses and 2 research courses during which you will design and complete a research project under the guidance of your graduate advisor. You will write a final project document as part of your work. The thesis option requires you to complete 10 substantive courses and 2 thesis courses during which you will design and complete an original research project under the guidance of your graduate advisor. Your final product will be a master's thesis document. The thesis path is highly recommended for those who may be interested in pursuing a
It is important to point out that a project-based
Changing Coursework to Project or Thesis Option Once You’ve Started MS Work
Students may do this; however, you must convince your graduate advisor to agree to advise the project or
Sample Curricula
The links below illustrate course proposals that have been used to complete the BS/MS. The time it will take you to complete the program is dependent upon how well you have managed your undergraduate degree and careful planning in structuring your master's plan. Students who enter the University with several AP credits can, with planning, complete the degree in four years. Students who switched majors and had little or no AP credit will probably take five years.
Completing the Program
The time it will take you to complete the program is dependent upon how well you have managed your undergraduate degree and careful planning in structuring your master's plan. Students who enter the University with several AP credits can, with planning, complete the degree in four years. Students who switched majors and had little or no AP credit will probably take five years.
The quarterly tuition for the BS/MS or BA/MS is the same as the tuition for a BS or BA. The bottom line is that if you plan well and complete both degrees in five years you will pay for an extra year of college, but you will have two degrees (two diplomas). If you entered Northwestern with AP credit it is possible to complete both programs in four years, but you should talk to your graduate advisor to make sure you have a plan that completes all of the requirements for both degrees.
Financial Aid
Undergraduates are eligible to receive NU scholarship assistance up to the equivalent of 12 quarters of enrollment. It may be possible that some of the courses for the master’s degree could be taken before you complete your undergraduate degree. You should contact the McCormick registrar, or your advisor to see when your undergraduate degree will be awarded and if you have room to take some graduate-level courses. You may also want to contact McCormick Graduate Programs. There is no scholarship assistance for the MS portion of the program. As a graduate student, however, you will be eligible for Federal Direct Student Loans. The Student Financial Services Office will be able to counsel you about your eligibility.
If you have questions regarding your undergraduate financial aid please contact the Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid at Ken Brown in the Office of Student Financial Services works with McCormick graduate students.
Deciding You Don’t Want an MS
This is your choice and it will not affect your BS or BA degree. Once you complete the BS/BA requirements, you will be awarded the BS/BA. You should know, however, that The Graduate School allows you five years to complete the MS. If you simply want to complete the program as a part-time student or if you want to take time off, you should discuss your options with your graduate advisor and file the appropriate paperwork so that you will be able to complete the program at a later point in time. More generally, realize that The Graduate School's five-year window gives you plenty of time to consider your options.
Differences Between MS and PHD
Completion of the
Unlike the MS degree, which typically takes one to two years to complete, a
Switching to PhD Later
An individual applying to a
For More Information