EECS Ph.D Student Zhongyang Li Receives Prestigious 2015 Chinese Government Award for Extra-Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

Given by the China Scholarship Council, this award is presented to 500 students worldwide, with only a distinguished five selected as the Extra-Outstanding Award winners.

Zhongyang (Jason) Li
Zhongyang (Jason) Li

EECS Ph.D Student Zhongyang (Jason) Li has been selected for the 2015 Chinese Government Award for Extra-Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad.

Given by the China Scholarship Council, this award is presented to 500 students worldwide, with only a distinguished five selected as the Extra-Outstanding Award winners. Zhongyang is one of the Top Five Extra-Outstanding Award winners for the year of 2015 and will be appropriated a $10,000 prize.

Founded by the Chinese government since 2003 and sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the award recognizes the academic excellent achievements of non-government-funded Chinese students studying overseas among 29 countries over all the world and is granted across all fields of study.

Zhongyang is currently a 4th year Research Assistant advised by Prof. Koray Aydin in the Metamaterials and Nanophotonic Devices Laboratory (MNDL). His research interest is to design, fabricate and characterize nano-electronic and nanophotonic devices with novel optical functionalities. Particularly, he works on ultrathin-film coating, plasmonic metasurfaces and nanoparticle assembly, which enables engineered absorption enhancement and optical-field manipulation at nanoscale.

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