Computer / Software
MATLAB Support

MATLAB, Simulink, and other MathWorks products are available via a campus-wide license to all faculty, researchers, students, and staff

  • free of charge
  • on an unlimited number of devices per user

and includes:

  • the entire set of MATLAB toolboxes
  • a full catalog of online courses to support your studies and research
  • and direct support from the MathWorks support team

Note: The license is restricted to academic use and should be used solely in support of classroom instruction, coursework, and research activities.

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For new and current users, log into the Northwestern MATLAB Portal and sign-in with your Northwestern email and NetID. External collaborators can also obtain MATLAB with a valid affiliate NetID.

If you have trouble installing MATLAB, go to the portal and click “Need Installation Help” to get support.

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Versions and System Requirements

While we encourage everyone to download the most recent version of MATLAB, older versions are available if necessary.

Visit the MATLAB website to view a list of system requirements for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Note: Some toolboxes are available only on specific operating systems. See System Requirements to generate a full list of available products for your intended operating system.

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Licensing Information

Individual License

An Individual License is the most commonly used license and is accessible offline and off-campus without requiring the Northwestern VPN.

Concurrent License

A Concurrent License is ideal for classroom or lab use on a shared device. To request a license file, complete this form.

Designated License

The Designated License is the least common and should be considered for an offline machine or temporary affiliate use. To request a license for a Northwestern affiliate, complete this form.

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Get Help and Information

Introduction to MATLAB for Engineering Students

The Introduction to MATLAB for Engineering Students is an Adobe PDF document written for Engineering Analysis courses. It provides a thorough introduction to the use of MATLAB with an emphasis on scientific computing.

Topics covered include:

  • programming
  • graphing
  • debugging
  • matrix operations
  • linear systems

The easiest way to find tutorials, view demos, or obtain information about specific functions is to click the Help button (blue question mark) in MATLAB, type "helpdesk" in the Command Window, or choose "MATLAB Help" from the Help menu.

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Use MATLAB Help and Lookfor Commands

Typing "help function_name" in the Command Window provides standard information about a specific function (use the Helpdesk to get more information and examples).

You can obtain the same information from the help window (type "helpwin" in the Command Window).

Typing "lookfor topic" provides a list of all functions that contains the word topic in their summaries. This is much slower than help, but "topic" does not have to match an existing function name.

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MATLAB Support

If you have problems using MATLAB, you should first consult the MathWorks online Technical Support and Customer Service Area. You can also reach out to the MATLAB service team directly with questions by creating a service request. Or contact MATLAB via phone:

508-647-7000, Dial 2 for Customer Service or Dial 3 for Technical Support
Monday-Friday, 7:30AM-6:00PM CST


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MATLAB Training and Resource 

Free Online Courses and tutorials allow new and existing users to learn to use MATLAB effectively. Courses include interactive MATLAB exercises for fast and relevant learning. Quizzes test your knowledge and provide immediate feedback.

These courses are intended for beginning users as well as those looking for more in-depth training.

Available courses include:

  • MATLAB Onramp (English, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Chinese)
  • Deep Learning Onramp (English, Japanese)
  • Simulink Onramp (English)
  • Deep Learning with MATLAB (new)
  • Solving Nonlinear Equations with MATLAB (English, Japanese)
  • Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with MATLAB (English, Japanese)
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra with MATLAB (English, Japanese)
  • Introduction to Statistical Methods with MATLAB (English, Japanese)
  • MATLAB Fundamentals (English, Japanese)
  • MATLAB for Financial Applications (English, Spanish)
  • MATLAB Programming Techniques (English)
  • MATLAB for Data Processing and Visualization (English)
  • Machine Learning with MATLAB (English)