Web Resources

The marketing department oversees the development of all Northwestern Engineering-related web communications, including websites, social media accounts, and email newsletters.

The following resources are intended to help representatives of departments, programs, and student groups in building and maintaining these important elements of our brand.

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Requesting Cascade Access & Initial Training

If you need to schedule a training session to learn how to administer your website using Cascade, contact the IT team via mccormick-webupdates@northwestern.edu. Please include:

  • Name
  • Net ID
  • Department, center, or group
  • The URL for the website you need access to


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Cascade Training Video Series

Please click on the links below to view the Cascade YouTube training videos:

Getting Oriented in Cascade

  • Logging in and navigating around Cascade 8: Logging into Cascade, exploring the dashboard, understanding the navigation tree, the site structure and organization in Cascade, and locating most important action items.
  • Introduction to index pages and metadata: Using the URL to identify pages in Cascade, understanding the role of index pages, identifying key metadata fields: page display name, title, keywords, description, and left navigation display options.

Overview of the Features of a Basic Page

  • Editing a basic page: header image/slider: Choosing or replacing the slider image and understanding the process for creating a multi-image slider.
  • Editing a basic page: jump menu: Understanding the role of the jump menu, then learning to create a list of links to various content sections of the page along with corresponding anchor tags, introducing the "Return to top" links.

Editing and Publishing a Basic Page

  • Editing a basic page: main body content - part 1: Entering, formatting, and editing text in the main content section of the page, copying and pasting text in plain text mode using the "hot keys," creating headers.
  • Editing a basic page: main body content - part 2: Creating hyperlinks, learning about internal and external links and reasons for opening links in the same or new windows, and learning different style tags, including a button and a "Return to top" link.
  • Editing a basic page: main body content - part 3: Learning how to insert images and to format them to float them left or right on the page, embedding YouTube videos and optimizing video dimensions on the page. 
  • Editing a basic page: sidebar: Overview of the four widgets of the sidebar, creating related links, editing the contact sidebar, utilizing the featured sidebar, using and creating sidebar feature blocks and sidebar feature block sliders.
  • Submitting and publishing a webpage: Saving a draft of your web pages and learning about submitting and publishing web pages to the development server and to the live server, viewing the publish queue, and learning when the entire site folder needs to be republished.

Working With Images and Documents

Website Sections and Pages: Adding, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Renaming, and Re-Ordering

People and Faculty Pages

Events and Course Listings Pages


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Cascade User Guides

Staff who are responsible for administering their department or center's websites in the Cascade content management system should consult our guides for maintaining websites in Cascade.

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Cascade Office Hours

Cascade office hours are a chance for website admins to stop in and get one-on-one guidance and assistance with current web content questions and plan for upcoming web projects. 

Learn more and sign up

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NUsites Websites for Faculty, Students, and Staff

Faculty, staff, and students can easily build and manage websites and blogs — free of charge — for academic and research purposes. Offered in partnership with CampusPress, a leading host of the WordPress content management system for educational institutions, Northwestern Sites is a WordPress publishing environment that provides managed security and updates.

Learn more and build your site in NUsites

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Contact the McCormick Web Team

To submit your help request, email our support queue at mccormick-webupdates@northwestern.edu.