Academics / Courses / DescriptionsMAT_SCI 395-9: Special Topics: Physical Metallurgy
No formal prerequisites; some knowledge of Python and basic familiarity with machine learning methods will be helpful.Description
Course Description: The focus of this course is to provide a physical basis linking the structure of materials with their properties, with a focus on metals. This course covers topics including crystallography, dislocations, strengthening and plasticity, polycrystals, texture, twinning, recrystallization, alloying etc. with a focus on tying the underlying physics to application, at a level of detail that goes beyond the core curriculum. With this understanding in hand, the concepts of alloy design and microstructural engineering are discussed, linking processing and thermodynamics to the structure, chemistry, and properties of metals.
This course is recommended for MSE graduate students or undergraduates who have completed the core curriculum through 316-2. Computational examples will be given on some topics; some programming experience in MATLAB or Python is recommended but not required.
Prerequisites: MAT_SCI 315, MAT_SCI 316-1, MAT_SCI 316-2, or consent of instructor
Instructor: Thomas Matson