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MSUS Poster Competition

The first annual Materials Science Umbrella Society Poster Competition was held on February 8, 2019. The posters were presented by MSE graduate students, judged by MSE faculty and post-docs, and voted on by audience members. Please enjoy photos from the event below (taken by MSE student Zhehao Zhu).


Welcome to the 2019 MSUS Poster Competition!
Welcome to the 2019 MSUS Poster Competition!

Judging in action! Poster presenters Shobhit Pandey and Elise Goldfine judged by Prof. Erik Luijten.
Judging in action! Poster presenters Shobhit Pandey and Elise Goldfine judged by Prof. Erik Luijten.

Judging in action! Poster presenter Megan Hill judged by Prof. Yip-Wah Chung.
Judging in action! Poster presenter Megan Hill judged by Prof. Yip-Wah Chung.

Judging in action! Poster presenters Max Wood and Jimmy Kuo judged by Prof. Lincoln Lauhon.
Judging in action! Poster presenters Max Wood and Jimmy Kuo judged by Prof. Lincoln Lauhon.

Keeping track of the competition data.
Keeping track of the competition data.

The audience choice award presented to Hadallia Bergeron by Ju Ying Shang.
The audience choice award presented to Hadallia Bergeron by Ju Ying Shang.

The third place award presented to Michael Moody and Haemin Paik by Ju Ying Shang.
The third place award presented to Michael Moody and Haemin Paik by Ju Ying Shang.

The second place award is presented to Megan Hill by Ju Ying Shang.
The second place award is presented to Megan Hill by Ju Ying Shang.

The first place award is presented to Hadallia Bergeron by Ju Ying Shang.
The first place award is presented to Hadallia Bergeron by Ju Ying Shang.

All the MSUS Poster Competition winners!
All the MSUS Poster Competition winners!

The MSUS Poster Competition Organizers, from left to right: Louis Wang, J. Tyler Gish, Sonal Rangnekar, Ju Ying Shang, Rustin Golnabi, Wooje Chang. Not pictured: James Male
The MSUS Poster Competition Organizers, from left to right: Louis Wang, J. Tyler Gish, Sonal Rangnekar, Ju Ying Shang, Rustin Golnabi, Wooje Chang. Not pictured: James Male