MSE Students Win Prizes at Undergraduate Research Symposium
Apr 9, 2014
MSE Juniors Andrew Rowberg (Hersam) and Leanne Friedrich (Joester) each won “top presenter” awards at the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium held April 5th at the Chicago Marriott. Andrew won Top Oral Presentation for “Exploring Interfacial Layers and Processing Conditions in Organic Photovoltaic Devices with Carbon Nanotubes in the Active Layer,” solar cell research done with the Hersam group. Leanne won Top Presentation in Biology for “Grain Alignment with Chiton Ocelli Lenses, “ biomineralization research done with the Joester group. MSE majors Jack Cavanaugh, Katie Jaycox, Peter Kim, and Victoria Vaccarezza also presented posters.

Leanne at CAURS Symposium