Master's and PhD Degrees
Course Listings

The following courses are ones that TAM professors teach. However, students can take any course offered at the McCormick School of Engineering and at Northwestern University.

CourseCourse TitleFall 2022Winter 2023Spring 2023
CIV_ENV 250-0Earth Surface EngineeringMWF 10:00-10:50
Rotta Loria
(Lab: T 9:30-12:20)

CIV_ENV 325-0Reinforced Concrete
MWF 2:-00-2:50
(Lab: Discussion: T 2:30-3:20)

CIV_ENV 327-0Finite Element Methods in MechanicsTTH 12:30-1:50

CIV_ENV 410Plates and Shells

TTH 8:00-9:50
CIV_ENV 413-0Experimental Solid Mechanics

MW 1:00-2:20
CIV_ENV 414-1Mechanics of Composite Materials: 1TTH 2:00-3:20

CIV_ENV 414-2Mechanics of Composite Materials: 2

TTH 2:00-3:20
CIV_ENV 415-0Theory of Elasticity
TTh 11:00-12:20

CIV_ENV 417-1Mechanics of Continua: 1MWF 10:00-10:50

CIV_ENV 422-0Inelastic Analysis of Structures

TTh 8:00-9:20am
CIV_ENV 424Stability of Structures
MWF 12:00-1:50

CIV_ENV 426-1Advanced Finite Element Methods 1
TTH 3:30-4:50

CIV_ENV 430-0Quasibrittle Fracture and Scaling

MWF 2:00-3:50
CIV_ENV 495-0-16Structural Design 2
TTh 6:00-7:50

CIV_ENV 495-0-15Structural Design 1TTh 6:30-7:50

CIV_ENV 220Structural Art

TTh 4:30-5:50
CIV_ENV 512-20Structural Engineering and Mechanics SeminarW 11:00-11:50
W 11:00-11:50
W 11:00-11:50
CIV_ENV 515-1,2Geotechnics Seminar
W 11:00-11:50
W 11:00-11:50
GEN_ENG 205-3EA3Section 20- K. Park MTWF 3-3:50- Section 21-J. Keys MTWF 4-4:50

Section 20- C. Sun: TBD ; Section 21- S. Ghosal: TBD; Section 22- K. Lynch: TBD: Section 23- J. Keys, TBD
MECH_ENG 222Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics – I
Sec 20 MTWF 12-12:50; Sec 21 MTWF 2:00-2:50 S. Lichter

MECH_ENG 241Fluid Mechanics IMTWF 11:00
S. Ghosal

TWTh 5:30-6:20
S. Ghosal
MECH_ENG 315Theory of Machines - Design of ElementsTTh 3:30-5:30
J. Wang

TTh 3:30-5:30
J. Wang
MECH_ENG 317Molecular Modeling and the Interface to Micromechanics

MECH_ENG 322Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics – II

MWF 2:00-2:50
S. Lichter
MECH_ENG 341Computational Methods for Engineering Design
TTh 9:30-10:50
W. Chen

MECH_ENG 346Introduction to TribologyTTh 12:30-1:50pm
J. Wang

MECH_ENG 362Stress Analysis

MWF 10:00-10:50
MECH_ENG 363Mechanical Vibrations

MW 12-1:20
O. Balogun
MECH_ENG 365Finite Elements for Stress Analysis

MECH_ENG 366Finite Elements for Design and Optimization

MECH_ENG 373Engineering Fluid Mechanics
MTuWF 11:00 -11:50
N. Patankar

MECH_ENG 377Heat Transfer
MWF 9:00-9:50
M. Kulkarni
MW 3:30-4:50pm
K. Park
MECH_ENG 381Intro to Micro-Electro-Mechanical SystemsMW 1:30-2:50 PM
H. Espinosa

MECH_ENG 382Micro/Nano Science and Engineering

TTh 2-3:20
H. Espinosa
(Lab: NUFAB WF 2-4; 4-6)
MECH_ENG 389Molecular Machines in Biology

MECH_ENG 364Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

MWF 11:00-11:50
MECH_ENG 378Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
TTh 2-3:20
G. Wagner

MECH_ENG 417Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Solid Mechanics

MECH_ENG 418Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Fluid Mechanics

MECH_ENG 420Micro and Nano-Scale Fluid Dynamics

MECH_ENG 422Statistical Mechanics and ApplicationsMWF 11:00
S. Lichter

MECH_ENG 424Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics

TTh 2-3:20
TTh 2-3:20
MECH_ENG 425Fundamentals of Fluid DynamicsTTh 11:00-12:20
N. Patankar

MECH_ENG 426-2Advanced Finite Element Methods II (CEE426-2)

TTh 9:30-10:50am
W. Liu
MECH_ENG 432The Calculus of Variations and its ApplicationsMWF 1:00-1:50 pm
S. Ghosal

MECH_ENG 441Engineering Optimization for Product Design and Manufacturing
TTh 9:30-10:50
W. Chen

MECH_ENG 442Advanced Metal Forming

MECH_ENG 466Inelastic Constitutive Relations for Solids
TTh 12:30-1:50
J. Rudnicki

MECH_ENG 415Mechanics of Manufacturing Processes

TTh 12:30-1:50pm
J. Cao
MECH_ENG 495Selected Topics: Structural Health Management

MECH_ENG 495Selected Topics: Biomechanics of Pattern Formation

MECH_ENG 495Mechanics of Thin Films
MW 1:00-2:30
Y. Huang