Welcome Message
Although mechanics is the oldest field of science, it continues evolving and advancing, driven by a multitude of needs arising in practically all areas of technology. These developments are made possible by new advanced instrumentation for experiments and by the availability of powerful computational tools. The Mechanics discipline aims at developing a fundamental understanding of material behavior at multiple scales, achieving superior mechanical performance of materials and structures, and attaining understanding, predictability, and prevention of failures at all levels.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM) at Northwestern University is an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental degree granting graduate program. It involves faculty from various departments, including Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Applied Mathematics, and Biomedical Engineering. The TAM group at Northwestern has a distinguished history and enjoys an excellent national and international reputation. TAM faculty members are involved in the forefront of cutting edge research in areas such as nanomechanics, computational mechanics, experimental mechanics, and engineered materials (composites).
Specific applications of Mechanics presenting challenges and opportunities for research include: nanotechnology, composite materials, multiscale modeling, sensor development, nuclear and wind energy development, nondestructive evaluation, transportation materials and vehicles, earthquake, fire, and explosion resistant design, and biomedical materials and devices.
The TAM graduate program is flexible and adaptable to the specific needs and abilities of the students. Students can take a balanced set of courses offered by the participating departments. The following pages describe research areas, faculty activities, and educational resources. If you are interested in the TAM graduate study at Northwestern, we would love to hear from you. If you would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Horacio D. Espinosa
James and Nancy Farley Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics