Current Student ResourcesStudent Groups
The benefits and services provided by Northwestern University’s student groups are available to all students without regard to any category protected by the law. The University believes different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds are critical to a dynamic and vibrant University community, and as such all students are welcome and encouraged to join each group.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
The aim of the Northwestern Student Chapter of SIAM is to provide a platform for students involved in science to interact with one another. SIAM ESAM graduate students form the core of Northwestern's active SIAM student chapter. The group holds quarterly student seminars and organizes the annual Chicago area SIAM Student Conference. The chapter has members from a wide array of disciplines, ranging from Marketing to Chemical Engineering, and provides a space for discussing new and interdisciplinary research.
Women in Engineering Sciences & Applied Math (WESAM)
The Women of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics is a group of Northwestern students, postdocs, and professors who promote equal opportunity for women in the mathematical sciences through outreach, professional development, and community building. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.
Northwestern University Quantitative Biology Research Training Program (NUQBio)
NUQBio's core premise is that what biological scientists really want to know through "data analysis" is to understand cause and effect, and ultimately, discover how to control systems to produce beneficial outcomes. They are a group of students, postdocs, and faculty committed to teaching and learning from one another, through weekly meetings, the relevant mathematical techniques, numerical methods, and data/statistical analysis strategies necessary to accomplish this goal, and, ultimately, how to develop predictive models of current problems in experimental and computational biology.
Student Tea
Student Tea meets on Fridays and features a talk by an ESAM student on topics that are tangentially related to math, but are useful, insightful, and interesting. Pizza or snacks is provided. The Student Tea motto is: "If you're having a week where math feels like a job, a good tea can remind you that it is fun."
Women in Math (WIM)
WIM is an active group in the Department of Mathematics and includes faculty, instructors, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students in mathematics, applied math, and statistics. The group meets twice a quarter for a group meal on campus with informal discussions on issues facing women in mathematics, and also hosts panels and speakers. For the past three years, the group has hosted GROW (Graduate Research Opportunities for Women), a conference designed for undergraduate women interested in pursuing graduate degrees in mathematics. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.
Graduate Women Across Northwestern (GWAN)
Graduate Women Across Northwestern is an interdisciplinary organization that seeks to create community building opportunities for women in graduate and professional programs at Northwestern. GWAN hosts events throughout the year, including the popular Meals with Strangers program, where members go out to dinner with others from different departments in order to build community. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.
SplashNU is a student organization dedicated to providing unique and fun learning opportunities to high school students in the greater Chicago area, specifically to students in socioeconomically disadvantages areas. Their goal is to empower high school students to select classes that they enjoy and allow students to experience a day in the life of a college student. They also want to provide valuable teaching experience and outreach opportunities to the Northwestern community. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.
Jugando con la Ciencia
Jugando con la Ciencia ("Playing with Science") addresses the disparity in academic performance between Latino students and non-minorities. They design science programs aimed at inspiring the next STEM leaders. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.
Applied Math Journal Club
This student-run journal club encourages students to practice presenting in a low-pressure setting. The group meets to discuss interesting papers, practice talking about research, brainstorm, hold tutorials on software and techniques, and learn about teaching research, techniques, issues, and biases that appear in applied math. The group often has snacks sponsored by SIAM. If you would like to join the mailing list, please email applied-math-journal-club@