Undergraduate Study
Student Awards

Each year we recognize undergraduate biomedical engineering students for their excellence in academics, design, research, service, and entrepreneurship.

Awards for Juniors

Applications for the following two awards will be taken at the end of the summer following junior year, and recipients will be announced in the fall of the senior year.  Students will also be recognized at department’s annual recognition event, which is held the same day as commencement.

  • Biomedical Engineering Award for Research
  • Lyle F. Mockros Outstanding Junior Award 

Awards for Seniors

Applications for the following three awards will be taken during the spring quarter of the senior year and recipients will be announced at department’s annual recognition event, which is held the same day as commencement

  • Biomedical Engineering Award for Research
  • Lyle F. Mockros Outstanding Senior Award
  • Robert B. Taggart Best Design Award