
Thank you for considering a gift to Northwestern University's Biomedical Engineering Department. Your contributions help us to support design projects, career-related events, seminars, student organizations, and other important departmental needs. Since the online giving site is University-wide, we ask that you remember to designate your gift to the Biomedical Engineering Department.

Giving Options

  1. You can submit an online gift by visiting the Alumni Relations and Development giving page. 
Please designate “Biomedical Engineering” and write “BME Undergraduate Program Chair” in the additional comments box on the second screen if you wish for this money to go toward undergraduate initiatives.
  2. You can phone in your gift by calling (800) 222-5603. Please be sure to mention that you would like your gift designated to Biomedical Engineering, Undergraduate Program Chair.
  3. You can mail your gift to the Biomedical Engineering Department. Please make your contribution out to the Northwestern University Biomedical Engineering Department, write Undergraduate Program Chair in the memo, and mail it to:

Northwestern University
Alumni Relations
Biomedical Engineering Department
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113