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BME Seminar Series
Current Speakers
Warren Grayson, PhD

Warren Grayson, PhD
Warren Grayson, PhD

Open BME Seminar Series
Thursday, March 25th, 2021 at 3-4 pm CST

Host: Professor Guillermo Ameer

Professor and Vice-Chair for Faculty Affairs in Biomedical Engineering
Joint Appointments: Materials Science & Engineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Translational Tissue Engineering Center
Institute for Nanobiotechnology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Advances in Regenerating Musculoskeletal Tissues 

Tissue engineering provides a viable means of regenerating bone and skeletal muscle tissues following injuries that lead to large volumetric defects. Our lab has developed advanced biomaterial and stem cell-based approaches to promote functional recovery following volumetric muscle loss and critical-sized craniofacial bone injuries. This presentation will focus on three areas of ongoing research: (1) I will present our lab’s efforts to regenerate vascularized and innervated skeletal muscle in mice including our recent studies using human pluripotent stem cells. (2) Recently, our group completed a study focused on designing biomaterials to guide bone regeneration in situ in minipigs using intraoperative protocols for combining autologous stem cells with 3D-printed scaffolds. (3) Understanding the interaction between vascular cells and osteoprogenitors is critical for developing effective treatment methods. I will describe recent studies in which we developed a quantitative imaging platform for characterizing the spatial relationships between cell populations in the native murine calvarium.

Learn more about Dr. Warren Grayson and their research here.