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Advises IE, MaDE, ME, MEM, MMM, MPDD, and MSEDI students.
Advises AP (PhD), BME, CE, ChE, EMDC, EnvE, MatSE, MBP, MPM,MSES, TAM, and undecided students.
Advises AM, CmpE, CS, EE, MIES, MSAI, MLDS, MSIT, and MSR students.
Advises IE, MaDE, ME, MEM, MMM, MPDD, and MSEDI students.
Advises AP (PhD), BME, CE, ChE, EMDC, EnvE, MatSE, MBP, MPM,MSES, TAM, and undecided students.
Advises AM, CmpE, CS, EE, MIES, MSAI, MLDS, MSIT, and MSR students.
Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center
2133 Sheridan Rd, Room 1-200
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-3366