For Students
Getting Started
Report an Offer
Report an Offer in McCormickConnect

Follow these steps to report your offer in McCormickConnect:

  1. Log into your McCormickConnect account. 
  2. On the left side bar, select “Co-op/Internship Records” then “Add Co-op/Internship Records".
  3. Click the “+Co-op/Internship” button on the upper left corner.
  4. Follow the remainder of the prompts.
  5. Next: Schedule a registration meeting with your ECD advisor (See below).
To Schedule an Appointment:
  1. Login to your McCormickConnect profile.
  2. On the left side bar, select “Advising” then “Advising Appointments".
  3. Select the  +Appointment (“Add Appointment”) button
  4. A pop-up window will open that lists the types of appointments you can schedule (30-minute Career Advising, or Internship/Co-op Registration Meeting)
  5. 30-minute Career Advising appointments will allow additional topic selections of: Resume/Cover Letter Review, Job Search, Interview Prep, etc.
  6. Internship/Co-op Registration Meetings are solely used for students who have received and accepted an internship or co-op and are ready to register it with ECD for enrollment into one of our coordinating experiential learning courses
  7. After selecting the Appointment Type, click 'Find Available Appointments'
  8. Next, you will see an Advising Calendar of availability that will provide a count of open appointment slots for the next 2 weeks (we recommend that you limit the number of filters used in the search to ensure you are seeing all availability)
  9. Select your preferred date, time, and attendance type (In-person vs Virtual)
  10. Leave any necessary 'Notes for Advisor' and click 'Save'

Please Note:

  • Undergraduate students going to work in an academic quarter are required to meet with their faculty advisor to ensure their work experience will fit into their course schedule. Students should also ensure that their faculty advisor approves their study plan in advance of the quarter in which they will be working. 
  • A meeting with an ECD career advisor is required to have your experience registered in CAESAR. Reporting an offer in McCormickConnect does not equal a CAESAR registration.

International Students

International students need to obtain Curricular Practical Training (CPT) prior to the start of each work term (including summers). Please review CPT guidelines and instructions.