Zdeněk Bažant Elected As ARMA Fellow
Professor Zdeněk Bažant has been selected to become a Fellow of the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA). The announcement will be made at the 2024 U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium in Golden, CO.
Bažant said this nomination came as a surprise as he has only been a member of this association for ten years.
“ARMA has now become my main society of interest,” he said. “It is also my most active one.”
ARMA is a professional and international engineering and scientific society, which promotes interaction among specialists, practitioners, scholars, and educators in rock mechanics and geomechanics. They advocate for individuals and firms in all aspects of rock mechanics and geomechanics, including multi-disciplinary rock physics and rock engineering technology advancement and technological applications for civil engineering, mining engineering and tunneling, oil and gas recovery, and geo-related socioeconomic problem-solving. They provide a forum and information resources for their members, related organizations, and the public, while their strong student membership ensures future continuity.