2014-2015 EECS Faculty & Student Award Winners

The accomplishments in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science were celebrated at the 2014-15' EECS Faculty & Student Awards Ceremony on Friday, June 5 in Tech L440.

2014-2015 EECS Faculty & Student Awards
2014-2015 EECS Faculty & Student Awards

The accomplishments in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science were celebrated at the 2014-15' EECS Faculty & Student Awards Ceremony on Friday, June 5 in Tech L440.

Prof. Alan Sahakian, Chair of EECS hosted the event, which saw Prof. Goce Trajcevski, last year’s “Best Teacher” recipient, deliver a stimulating presentation, titled, "My Teacher Attitudes", that focused on his unique style as an educator, such as his interesting approaches through lecturing, and best practices to follow in pushing students to succeed. Prof. Sara Sood will deliver next year's speech after winning this years Best Teacher award. View more photos on our Facebook Page

2014-15' EECS Faculty & Student Award Winners

Best Teacher: Prof. Sara Sood

Outstandıng Senıor ın Electrıcal Engıneerıng: Sebastian Olsen

Outstandıng Senıor ın Computer Scıence: Andrew Kahn

Outstandıng Senıor ın Computer Engıneerıng: Daniel Eiden

Best TA (tıe): John Rula, Joshua Yablon

Best Dıssertatıon (CS): Nima Haghpanah (Advisor: Prof. Jason Hartline), "Optimal Multi-Parameter Auction Design"

Best Dıssertatıon (EE) (tıe): Subramanian Krishnamurthy (Advisor: Prof. Selim Shahriar), "Investigation of Cascade Transitions in Rubidium for All-Optical Modulators, Switches and Polarization Controllers" & Binnan Zhuang (Advisors:Prof. Dongning Guo and Prof. Michael Honig), "Interference and Resource Management in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks"

2015 EECS Best Teacher Award Winner Prof. Sara Sood
2015 EECS Best Teacher Award Winner Prof. Sara Sood
2015 EECS Best Dissertation in Electrical Engineering Award Winner Binnan Zhuang with Prof. Dongning Guo and Prof. Michael Honig
2015 EECS Best Dissertation in Electrical Engineering Award Winner Binnan Zhuang with Prof. Dongning Guo and Prof. Michael Honig

2015 EECS Best TA Award Winner John Rula
2015 EECS Best TA Award Winner John Rula
2015 EECS Best TA Award Winner Josh Yablon
2015 EECS Best TA Award Winner Josh Yablon

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