Program courses develop core management skills while staying on the cutting edge of technology.Program courses develop core management skills while staying on the cutting edge of technology.


The strength of the MEM Program is its multidisciplinary approach, combining core business principles with graduate level engineering education. Students learn the basics of management, quantitative analysis, and behavioral science and choose advanced engineering electives in their area of specialization.

An MEM degree can be a differentiator as students learn the fundamentals of business while relying on a base of engineering knowledge. This specialized approach allows for a unique experience that stands apart from that of an MBA. 

“We focus on students who want to leverage their technical background. They think of themselves as engineers, and they want to continue in STEM. Among the top-performing CEOs in the world, a majority hold degrees particular to their industries. MEM gives students an alternative path to an MBA, one that may be better suited for their career goals and interests.”

Mark Werwath, MEM Program Director

Degree Requirements

A minimum number of 12 courses is required to earn the Master of Engineering Management degree. Among them are:

Core Courses (7 Courses)

Advanced Engineering Methods for Management (2 Courses)

You must select at least two from this list of advanced engineering courses. These courses differentiate MEM from other business programs because they rely on your engineering or quantitative background. These are courses that will help you get in-depth knowledge in the field you want to pursue in the future. Some courses are offered every other year.

MEM seminar (1 Course)

The MEM seminar is a 0-unit course that covers topics of interest for engineering and product managers. This course is intended to help new students adapt to the MEM program and discover opportunities within the MEM program and at Northwestern University.

Electives (3 Courses)

You choose three electives from a variety of courses within MEM and programs within Northwestern University (limit of two courses from outside the engineering school). These courses give you the flexibility to tailor the program to meet your needs. You may choose courses from:

MEM Electives:

Other Schools/Departments have limited courses available:

Approved Non-MEM Electives from Other Programs