Academics / Courses / Course DescriptionsMECH_ENG 222: Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics – I
GEN_ENG 205_3, MATH_220-2 or MATH 228-2 concurrentDescription
Basic thermodynamics, applications to energy efficiency and climate change, and introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
Who Takes It
Thermodynamics concerns the foundation of all branches of physical sciences. Therefore, this is a required
course for all mechanical engineering students. Also, the students of all other branches of engineering as well as
chemistry take this course or one similar to it. Undergraduates usually take this course at the end of their second year or the beginning of their third year.
What It's About
The objective of the science of thermodynamics is to describe the state of matter and its interactions with
surroundings in terms of macroscopic properties such as temperature, pressure, etc. The course will introduce
the fundamentals of classical thermodynamics. The applications of the thermodynamics to the analysis of
performance and efficiency of pumps, compressors, turbines, nozzles, diffusers, and other engineering systems
will be discussed.
This course meets four times per week for 50-minute lectures.
- Introduction to classical thermodynamics
- First Law of Thermodynamics
- Thermodynamic state
- Conservation of energy for open systems
- Entropy
Assignments and evaluations methods vary by instructor and may include reports, homework, quizzes, and exams
More Advanced Study
Students interested in pursuing further study in thermodynamics can take the following course:
- ME 322 Thermodynamics II