Research / Areas of ResearchMicro/Nanoengineering
Probing, understanding, and manipulating matter at small scales to achieve unique functions in materials, mechanical systems, and biological systems
Micro-and nanoengineering provide tools to enable the characterization and design of nanostructured materials and metamaterials with novel electronic, photonic and mechanical properties that address critical societal needs. Innovations in probing bio/nano interfaces and cell gene editing and analysis address key biological questions while also helping us better diagnose and cure diseases.
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Research Area Subtopics

(H.D. Espinosa)
Quantum and Architected Metamaterials/Devices
We address several challenges associated with quantum and architectured metamaterials/devices : i) limited understanding of the synergy between morphology and intrinsic constituent properties (charge transport, optical properties, mechanical stiffness, strength and toughness), ii) lack of computational frameworks to guide material selection and property optimization at multiple relevant length scales, iii) lack of high-throughput experimental techniques to validate computational predictions.

using mass spectroscopy. (H.D. Espinosa, M. Mrksich)
Cell Manipulation and Analysis
We advance the science and engineering of integrated microfluidic platforms for gene editing and live cell analysis. By combining single cell RNA sequencing and machine learning lineage tracing with non-destructive temporal measurement of signaling proteins, an unprecedented detailed molecular landscape of desired lineage specifications is being constructed. We target applications in disease modeling, drug screening, immunology, and cell therapies.

complex plasmonic fields. (S. Balogun)
Nano-scale Characterization and Modeling
Creating novel in situ experiments for mechanical, electrical and thermal property characterization of nanomaterials and devices, we focus on discovery of atomistic mechanisms and acquisition of large data sets for validation of machine learning-based atomistic models.

unleashing full Six degree of freedom. (C. Sun)
Right: Microscale origami metamaterial printed using
two-photon lithography. (S. Krishnaswamy and H.D.
Nano/Microscale Fabrication and 3D-printing
We develop science and technology of multiscale multiphase fabrication and 3D-printing with applications ranging from smart structures to metamaterials to classical and quantum photonics.

lithium-metal battery cell affected by interface
imperfection. (J. Wang)
Surface and Interface Engineering
We advance the science of micro and nanoscale interfaces between different phases/materials to enable innovative engineering solutions in tribology, advanced manufacturing, desalination, chemical reactions, and energy conversion.
ME Faculty
Oluwaseyi Balogun
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Wei Chen
Chair and Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and Materials Science and Engineering (by courtesy)
Horacio Espinosa
James N. and Nancy J. Farley Professor in Manufacturing & Entrepreneurship
Director, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Program
Director of the Institute for Cellular Engineering Technologies
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and (by courtesy) Biomedical Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sandip Ghosal
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and (by courtesy) Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Yonggang Huang
Jan and Marcia Achenbach Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and (by courtesy) Materials Science and Engineering
Sinan Keten
Jerome B. Cohen Professor of Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering and (by courtesy) Biomedical Engineering
Associate Chair of Mechanical Engineering
Sridhar Krishnaswamy
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of Center for Smart Structures and Materials
Richard Lueptow
Professor of Mechanical Engineering (and by courtesy) Chemical and Biological Engineering
Senior Associate Dean
Neelesh Patankar
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and (by courtesy) Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Michael Rubenstein
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Q. Jane Wang
Joseph Cummings Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Executive Director, Center for Surface Engineering and Tribology
Courtesy Faculty
Zdeněk Bažant
McCormick Institute Professor, Walter P. Murphy Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering
Michael Miksis
Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering
Director of MS Studies for Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
John Rogers
Louis Simpson and Kimberly Querrey Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Neurological Surgery (and by courtesy Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry and Dermatology)
Director, Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics
Petia Vlahovska
Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering