Course Listing

CourseCourse TitleFall 2024Winter 2025Spring 2025
PROJ_MGT 401-05CommunicationM 9-10:50am Laura Pigozzi; T 9-10:50am Paul Beilstein; T 12-1:50pm Paul Beilstein; W 1-2:50pm Katie Duke

PROJ_MGT 402-05Negotiations
W 9-11:50am Kevin Sido

PROJ_MGT 403-10Financial and Managerial AccountingT 3-5:50pm Jason Heider; W 6:30-9:20pm Jason Heider

PROJ_MGT 405-10Managerial Finance
T 6:30-9:20pm Kelsey Shaw; T 6:30-9:20pm Matt Gunden

PROJ_MGT 411-10Commercial Land Use & The Regulatory EnvironmentT 6:30-9:20pm
Juliane Kelly

PROJ_MGT 412-10Project Funding and Global Capital Markets
Th 9-11:50pm
Carter Page

PROJ_MGT 413-10Transaction Management and Risk Mitigation
Th 6:30-9:20pm
Juliane Kelly

PROJ_MGT 414-10Project Feasibility Analysis & Valuation

W 6:30-9:20pm
Mildred Terzic
PROJ_MGT 415-10Asset Management and Strategic Planning

Th 6:30-9:20pm
Juliane Kelly
PROJ_MGT 423-10Business Development in the Built EnvironmentSa 8:30-11:30am
Jackie Loewe, Amar Rajpurkar

PROJ_MGT 427-05Real Estate DevelopmentTh 9-10:50am
Joseph Santucci

PROJ_MGT 430-10Construction ManagementM 4-5:50pm Cirilo Rangel; W 4-5:50pm Cirilo Rangel

PROJ_MGT 431-05Construction Business Strategy

Th 3-5:50pm Cirilo Rangel
PROJ_MGT 433-10International Construction
Th 4-5:50pm
Tom Mitoraj

PROJ_MGT 434-10Lean ConstructionM 6:30-9:20pm
Afshan Barshan

PROJ_MGT 436-10Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution
M 6:30-9:20pm
Gregory Eichorn

PROJ_MGT 441-05Sustainability in ConstructionTh 6:30-8:20pm
Michelle Halle Stern

PROJ_MGT 443-10Sustainability Strategies for OrganizationsF 9-11:50am
Jessica Bollhoefer

PROJ_MGT 445-10Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Context
W 3-5:50pm
Keith Harley

PROJ_MGT 446-10System Thinking for Sustainable Design
T 3-5:50pm
Michelle Halle Stern

PROJ_MGT 448-10Metrics of Sustainability

W 3-5:50pm
Kirsten Melling, John Mlade
PROJ_MGT 449-10Economics of Sustainability

T 6:30-9:20pm
George Lytwynyshyn
PROJ_MGT 455-05Computer-Integrated Project Delivery

T 4-5:50pm
Damon Ranieri
PROJ_MGT 457-05Integrating XR with Design and Construction

F 12-2:50pm
Sepehr Alizadehsalehi
PROJ_MGT 481-10Transportation Context Sensitive Solutions
Th 3-5:50pm
Ron Deverman

PROJ_MGT 483-10Transportation Economics and Finance
M 3-5:50pm
Grace Gallucci

PROJ_MGT 485-10Intelligent Transportation Systems

M 3-5:50pm
Laurence Audenaerd, Libby Ogard
PROJ_MGT 487-10Management of Operations in TransportationF 3-5:50pm
Laurence Audenaerd

PROJ_MGT 498A-05Capstone I
M 9-10:50am Laura Pigozzi; T 9-10:50am Paul Beilstein; T 12-1:50pm Paul Beilstein; W 1-2:50pm Shuwen Li

PROJ_MGT 498B-05Capstone II

M 9-10:50am Laura Pigozzi; T 9-10:50am Paul Beilstein; T 12-1:50pm Paul Beilstein; W 1-2:50pm Shuwen Li
PROJ_MGT 501-0Fundamentals of Project ManagementTh 12-1:50pm
Ahmad Hadavi

PROJ_MGT 502-0Professional Development Seminar in Project Management in the Built EnvironmentM 11-11:50am
Shelley Finnigan
M 11-11:50am
Shelley Finnigan
M 11-11:50am
Shelley Finnigan
PROJ_MGT 503-0Materials and Methods In ConstructionTh 2-4:50pm
Bradley Benhart

CIV_ENV 332Building Construction Estimating

F 3-5:50 PM
Scott Peterson
Civ_Env 336Project Scheduling
LEC W 6:30-9:20 pm; DIS T 1-1:50 pm; DIS T 2-2:50 pm; DIS T 4-4:50 pm; DIS T 5-5:50 pm
Ahmad Hadavi

CIV_ENV 435-0Cost Engineering and Control

M 6:30-9:20 pm
Ahmad Hadavi