COMP_ENG 364, 464: Cyber-Physical Systems Design and Application



Cyber-physical systems, such as autonomous vehicles, robots, and smart buildings, are engineering systems that rely upon the close interaction and seamless integration of cyber subsystems (e.g., computation, communication and storage components) and physical subsystems (e.g., mechanical components, physical environment, human activities). These cyber-physical systems are poised to bring immense economic and societal benefits, however the design and operation of them face tremendous challenges from the rapid increase of system scale and complexity, the uncertainty of dynamic environment, the adoption of multicore and distributed architectural platforms, and the stringent and sometimes conflicting requirements on system performance, safety, security, fault tolerance, extensibility, energy consumption, cost, etc. To address these challenges, there is an urgent need of new methodologies, algorithms, and tools for the modeling, simulation, synthesis, and verification of cyber-physical systems.

This course will introduce trends and challenges of modern cyber-physical systems, and review state-of-the-art design paradigms and tools in both academia and industry. It will introduce fundamental concepts in the modeling of cyber-physical systems, and important models of computation such as dataflow, state machine, and synchronous-reactive semantics. It will introduce real-time embedded architectures that are commonly used in cyber-physical systems, and synthesis methodologies for generating efficient, correct, and predictable implementations of cyber-physical functionality on these architectures. The course will leverage case studies from automotive and transportation systems, smart buildings, and consumer electronics to demonstrate design principles and techniques as well as their effectiveness and limitations. While focusing on the modeling and synthesis aspects, this course will also touch upon the main challenges and approaches in simulation, validation and verification of cyber-physical systems.