Students presenting their project

Student Showcase

First-quarter Student Showcase

In MSR you start working with robots on day one. By the end of the first quarter, you and a team of peers will have conceived and designed a robotics project that executes a specific task, such as brewing and pouring a cup of coffee. As part of your coursework in the first quarter, you will learn foundational skills that you will build on throughout your time in the program. This work culminates in the December Student Showcase where students present their first-quarter project to the class.

Flipping Pancakes in Robotics Class

The 2022 class pursued five different team projects. The projects accomplished a variety of tasks ranging from cooking and flipping pancakes to balancing a ball on a whiteboard and navigating it through hand-drawn mazes.

Experience Life as A Robotics Professional

As a part of the Embedded Systems in Robotics course, students created robots that made hot chocolate, played Jenga, kept a balloon from hitting the floor, played air hockey, and knocked blocks over using a lightsaber.

How to Immerse Yourself in Robotics

The student project "Botrista" used a 7DOF (seven degrees of freedom) robot arm, an Intel RealSense camera, and OpenCV — a library of programming functions — to locate a mug and follow the steps needed to brew and pour the coffee. Another project enables users to stack toy rings in a virtual environment, receive sensory feedback via haptic gloves, and then have robot arms replicate the toy stacking. Other students created a robot that could read a word written on a whiteboard in any language, translate it to any other language, say it out loud, and then write the translation on the whiteboard.