
Photo of Zhengxiao Han

Zhengxiao Han

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Zhengxiao Han got his B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology. During his undergraduate career, he was a research intern at Tsinghua University, and then he spent a gap year as a research assistant at Peking University.

His journey in robotics started from the FIRST LEGO League Challenge in primary school, and then the VEX Robotics Competition in high school. 

As an engineer, he was a core contributor to Mini Pupper, an open-source quadruped robot product that has shipped thousands of units. Besides, he has a solid background in hardware development. The best proof was his full-stack development of several robotic arms and grippers.

As a researcher, his research experience spans various fields, including Model Predictive Control (MPC) in autonomous driving agents, formation control in multi-robot systems, vision-based tactile sensors, tactile simulation, hardware design for dexterous hands, and synthetic grasping dataset generation.