Academics / Courses / DescriptionsCOMP_SCI 362, 462: Foundations of Quantum Computing and Quantum Information
See below for more detail.Description
This course will be an introduction to the theory of quantum computation from a computer science perspective. Quantum computing holds great promise for obtaining substantial computational improvements over classical computing for many problems. In this course, we will cover the basics of quantum computation, and different topics that explore both the capabilities and limitations of quantum computers. Topics will include (subject to change) the basics of quantum information, quantum circuits, quantum algorithms, quantum complexity theory, quantum query complexity, and quantum communication complexity.
No knowledge of quantum mechanics is required. We will cover the necessary physics concepts that are needed for this course.
PREREQUISITE: CS 336 or CS 335 or equivalent. Instructor permission required otherwise. A strong undergraduate background in linear algebra, and some familiarity with discrete probability is encouraged.
* Undergrad CS 262 or CS 335 or CS 336
* CS Graduate standing:CS 335 or CS 336
- Formerly Comp_Sci 396/496 - last offer was Winter 2024
- This course fulfills Technical Elective area.
COURSE COORDINATORS: Prof. Aravindan Vijayaraghavan & Prof. Kaitlin Smith
COURSE INSTRUCTOR : Prof. Aravindan Vijayaraghavan & Prof. Kaitlin Smith