Combined BS (or BA)/MS Degree Program

McCormick’s Combined BS/MS Program allows undergraduates to pursue a bachelor’s degree (BS) and master’s degree (MS) simultaneously, shortening the time required to earn a master’s degree. It is also available to Computer Science students in Weinberg, resulting in a BA degree from Weinberg and an MS from McCormick.

With careful planning, students may commence work on their master’s degree before completing their bachelor’s degree. For some students, it may be possible to earn both degrees at the same time, in just four years.

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The Benefits

The benefits of a BS/MS or BA/MS are many, including better job prospects and efficient use of your college experience. Studies show that newly employed computer science graduates holding a master's degree have the potential to make almost 50 percent more money than engineering candidates with only a bachelor's degree and no experience.

Job candidates with a master's degree generally stand out in a field of applicants more so than similar candidates with a BS and no experience. For students whose bachelor's degree is not electrical engineering or computer engineering, the master's degree can provide entry into these lucrative fields.

In the shorter term, a BS/MS or BA/MS degree is an efficient use of your college time. Individuals who wait for completion of the BS or BA to enter a MS program usually take two years to complete the MS. Most candidates will complete the BS/MS or BA/MS in fewer than five years. The time it takes to complete the program is partially based on the amount of AP credit you brought to Northwestern and partially based on a carefully constructed curriculum that balances your course load and course requirements to ensure that you will complete the requirements for both programs in a timely fashion.

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Eligibility Requirements

Any Northwestern undergraduate enrolled in the Weinberg College or the McCormick School of Engineering is eligible to apply. Students in the undergraduate computer science and electrical and computer engineering programs are especially encouraged to consider the programs, as are McCormick and Weinberg students more generally. You do not need to be an electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science major to be admitted. Detailed information is available on the McCormick Combined Degree webpage

The prerequisite courses are listed below. 

  • MS in computer science: COMP_SCI 111, 211, 212 (formerly EECS 310), 213, 214 (formerly EECS 311).

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When You Should Start to Plan

Sometime in the later part of your sophomore year or early in your junior year you should talk to McCormick Graduate Programs about your intentions. Sometime during your junior year you should formally apply (see below).

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For details on application requirements, deadlines, and the process, please refer to the information provided on the McCormick Combined Degree webpage.

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Requirements to Complete the CS MS

The general requirements are that you satisfactorily complete 12 courses. Three of the courses must be 400-level courses. Beyond the general requirements, however, there are three options available for the MS program: coursework, project, or thesis. 

For information on the requirements for the three options, see the CS MS Graduate Manual on the CS Graduate Forms and Documents page.

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Counting Undergraduate Work Toward an MS

Yes, but you may not use those same courses to fulfill requirements for both your BS/BA and MS. In other words, a course can only fulfill requirements for one degree (the BS/BA or the MS) not both.

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Choosing a Master’s Program in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science

This depends on your interests and your career or research goals.

If you are already in the ECE or CE undergraduate program, the choice of an MS EE or CE will let you acquire considerably more depth (and thus market value) in these areas.  On the other hand, the choice of an MS in CS will broaden the range of positions for which you are suited.

If you are already in the CS undergraduate program in McCormick or in the CS undergraduate program in Weinberg, similar reasoning also applies: An MS in CS will give you added value by giving you considerably more depth in your specialty, while an MS in EE or CE will give you added value by broadening your expertise.

If you are in another undergraduate program at Northwestern, either master's degree will considerably broaden your expertise and thus marketability.

Generally speaking, the MS in EE or CE has a greater focus on hardware, while the MS in CS has a greater focus on software.

If you are unsure where your specific interests fall, the director of graduate studies will be happy to discuss options based on your specific goals.

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Completing the Program

The time it will take you to complete the program is dependent upon how well you have managed your undergraduate degree and careful planning in structuring your master's plan. Students who enter the University with several AP credits can, with planning, complete the degree in four years. Students who switched majors and had little or no AP credit will probably take five years.

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The quarterly tuition for the BS/MS or BA/MS is the same as the tuition for a BS or BA. The bottom line is that if you plan well and complete both degrees in five years you will pay for an extra year of college, but you will have two degrees (two diplomas). If you entered Northwestern with AP credit it is possible to complete both programs in four years, but you should talk to your graduate adviser to make sure you have a plan that completes all of the requirements for both degrees.

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Financial Aid

Undergraduates are eligible to receive NU scholarship assistance up to the equivalent of 12 quarters of enrollment. It may be possible that some of the courses for the master’s degree could be taken before you complete your undergraduate degree. You should contact the McCormick registrar or your adviser to see when your undergraduate degree will be awarded and if you have room to take some graduate-level courses. You may also want to contact McCormick Graduate Programs about the BS/MS program. There is no scholarship assistance for the MS portion of the program. As a graduate student, however, you will be eligible for Federal Direct Student Loans. The Student Financial Services Office ( will be able to counsel you about your eligibility.  

If you have questions regarding your undergraduate financial aid please contact the Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid at Ken Brown in the Office of Student Financial Services works with McCormick graduate students.

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Deciding You Don’t Want an MS

This is your choice, and it will not affect your BS or BA degree. Once you complete the BS/BA requirements, you will be awarded the BS/BA. You should know, however, that The Graduate School allows you five years to complete the MS. If you simply want to complete the program as a part-time student or if you want to take time off, you should discuss your options with your graduate adviser and file the appropriate paperwork so that you will be able to complete the program at a later point in time. More generally, realize that The Graduate School's five-year window gives you plenty of time to consider your options.

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For More Information

Visit the the McCormick School of Engineering website for more information.