Academics / Undergraduate Undergraduate Research
In the Department of Computer Science at Northwestern University, undergraduate students have ample, rich, and varied opportunities for conducting practical research in labs alongside graduate students and faculty members.
This means that papers are being published with undergraduate students’ names on them, students are participating in research projects that result in conference papers being accepted, and students are finding out firsthand what life as a graduate student is like.
Research Track
The Research Track program is designed to enable third-year students majoring in computer science to learn the fundamentals of academic research through a structured, mentored, and often collaborative project.
Students accepted into the program will be advised by a research mentor on a project, most likely with a group of other students. Students will complete two courses: COMP_SCI 298: CS Research Track Program (fall) and COMP_SCI 398: Research Track Practicum (winter) and present their findings during a spring research showcase event.
Research Opportunities
The department maintains a list of research opportunities currently available to undergraduates. This list contains information about requirements for joining the lab and/or leading a project, as well as information on how to apply to join the lab. the list is updated periodically as research opportunities become available.
To learn more about the major research activities in the Department of Computer Science, you can also explore our various Research Areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Computer Engineering (in collaboration with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- Vision and Graphics
- Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization
- Programming Languages
- Robotics
- Systems and Networking
- Security and Privacy
- Theory
For more information about research opportunities in the department, visit our groups and labs page and contact a professor with whom you would like to work.
Learn more about undergraduate research opportunities at McCormick
Research Pathways
Before joining a research lab you will need to build the background that is necessary for participating in the research of the lab. The most effective way to do so is through courses, which requires planning ahead what courses to take and when. The earliest you complete the series of courses that will give you a solid background for an area of research, the fastest you will be able to get involved in a research project and benefit from the research activity in the department.
To help you prepare for research, the department maintains a collection of accelerated course pathways. Each pathway targets a specific area of research and consists of one or two courses per quarter. Starting on a pathway during your freshman year will get your ready for a research project in the pathway's area during your sophomore year.
Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate students have the option to complete a senior thesis as a part of their undergraduate degree. The senior thesis is documentation of an attempt to contribute new knowledge to the general understanding of some problem of computer science.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) supplemental funding is available specifically for undergraduate researchers, and primary investigators routinely ask for this funding on National Science Foundation proposals.
In addition, undergraduate students can receive reimbursement for travel expenses to conferences when their papers are accepted.