People / FacultyAffiliated Faculty
Nabil Alshurafa
Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and (by courtesy) Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jeremy Birnholtz
Professor, Communication Studies and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Noshir Contractor
Jane S. and William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Professor of Communication Studies
Professor of Management and Organizations
Nicholas Diakopoulos
Professor, Communication Studies and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Matthew Easterday
Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Steven Franconeri
Professor, Department of Psychology and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Julia Gaudio
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Elizabeth Gerber
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Professor of Communication Studies
Co-Director, Center for Human Computer Interaction + Design
Joshua Glaser
Assistant Professor of Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Matthew Groh
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Dongning Guo
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Mitra Hartmann
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Computer Science (by courtesy)
Agnes Horvat
Associate Professor, Communication Studies and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Aggelos Katsaggelos
Joseph Cummings Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science and Radiology
Director, Image and Video Processing Lab (IVPL)
Co-Director, Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts (NU-ACCESS)
Deputy Director of Computation, Center for Computational Imaging and Signal Analytics in Medicine
Duri Long
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Malcolm MacIver
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Zhaoran Wang
Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Ermin Wei
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Ying Wu
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Stephen Xia
Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Hai Zhou
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Qi Zhu
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science