Student Groups & Organizations

The benefits and services provided by Northwestern University’s student groups are available to all students without regard to any category protected by the law. The University believes different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds are critical to a dynamic and vibrant University community, and as such all students are welcome and encouraged to join each group. 

Learn about the groups and organizations available to undergraduate and graduate students:

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Emerging Coders

Emerging Coders is a community supporting FGLI (First-generation, Low-income) students who are interested in Tech. Our purpose is to enable students in the club improve their skills (e.g., coding projects, networking etc.), provide mentorship and resources throughout your college experience, and to create meaningful projects. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.

Northwestern University Technology Group (NTech)

This energetic team of Northwestern students is strongly interested in fields related to technology. We consist of two different groups: web development and quant. Our web development group is dedicated to solving real problems in our communities while enriching our personal skill sets through experiential learning. Additionally, our quant group organizes trading games and introduces students to various asset classes and trading strategies. Please reach out to to get involved.

Responsible AI Student Organization (RAISO)

RAISO is the AI community for everyone. We're a growing community of students making AI less scary. Whether you're technical or not, come be at the heart of the conversation on technology and social issues.

Women in Computing

This student group helps provide an academic and social network to connect and support female undergraduates interested in computer science and related fields at Northwestern University. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.