Academics / Courses / DescriptionsCOMP_SCI 397, 497: Sports, Technology and Learning
Sports, Technology and Learning will examine the apparent alignment and discrepencies among these three areas. Students will read conference and journal papers, watch sports-related movies, critique existing sports-related technologies and prototype their own technologies. The course also plans to include guest speakers from other universities, industry and sports teams and more.
In addition to in-class discussions and student reflections, students will complete a course project. The course projects can take on many different forms. Some possible project areas include creating a custom wearable device, using data mining to model or predict sports-related behaviors or actions, or designing a curriculum to engage student-athletes in consequential learning experiences. Projects can be completed in groups or individually. Some elements of the course will involve students using different computer programming tools. However, no prior experience with programming is required. Current and former student-athletes are strongly encouraged to enroll.
Cross-listed as LRN_SCI 351-0-20 & LRN_SCI 451-0-20
INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Marcelo Worsley