A Message From the Chair

Simge KüçükyavuzWelcome to the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences.

Recognized as one of the top-ranked programs in the nation, our department consistently pushes the boundaries of innovation. Our discipline is deeply rooted in mathematical optimization, statistics, and computing. We harness the power of data by developing and implementing mathematical and computational models, translating them into decision-making tools for impactful real-world applications. To prepare students to have wide-ranging impact across the enterprise, IEMS provides a comprehensive education that also covers organizational behavior, economics, finance, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Our bachelor of science graduates excel in diverse roles across various sectors, where they:

  • Advise businesses on how to improve efficiency, productivity, and overall performance.
  • Use analytics to increase returns and manage risks in financial portfolios.
  • Optimize complex systems such as manufacturing and supply chains.
  • Innovate in healthcare service delivery to improve outcomes.
  • Design organizations for optimal utilization of employee expertise.

We jointly offer a Machine Learning and Data Science minor, which equips undergraduate students with essential skills for data collection, cleansing, and analysis, and data-driven decision-making.

Our graduate programs allow students to advance their education across multiple dimensions, including:

  • Master of Engineering Management (MEM): Attracting students from a broad range of engineering backgrounds and industries, our MEM program offers a blend of business acumen and industrial engineering tools.
  • Master of Science in Machine Learning and Data Science (MLDS): Positioned at the nexus of technology and business, our MLDS program equips students with the prowess to navigate today's data-driven landscape.
  • PhD Program: Our doctoral candidates pioneer methods in optimization, machine learning, stochastic modeling, and engineering statistics, and implement them across a wide array of complex systems, including logistics, artificial intelligence, healthcare, and organizational analysis.

Whether you're new to the world of industrial engineering and management sciences or a current student seeking resources, our website is a comprehensive guide. Dive in to discover our academic offerings and explore our faculty and research.

Simge Küçükyavuz
Department Chair
David A. and Karen Richards Sachs Professor