By combining design with more practical courses like statistics, McCormick creates students that are truly whole-brained.By combining design with more practical courses like statistics, McCormick creates students that are truly whole-brained.

Undergraduate Program
Prospective Students

One of the most valuable experiences available at Northwestern is the opportunity for undergraduates to work with faculty one-on-one on cutting-edge research projects. Motivated and capable students find faculty who are pleased to provide these opportunities, sometimes as part of externally funded research projects and sometimes on projects proposed by the student.

Learn more about industrial engineering and management sciences

The McCormick Experience

During their freshman year, students work in small teams in their Design Thinking and Communication class.

Design Thinking and Communication is part of McCormick's Engineering First® program, an innovative curriculum for first-year engineering students at Northwestern. In addition to Design Thinking and Communication, students take four basic engineering courses covering:

  • Linear algebra
  • MATLAB programing
  • Engineering mechanics
  • Statics
  • Dynamics
  • Differential equations

Career Paths

Students earning a BS in industrial engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences go on to careers in both industry and academia. Many students choose the BSIE degree as the basis for graduate study in:

  • Law
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Management science
  • Mathematics
  • Social sciences
  • Medicine

In the last few years on the industry path, our students have accepted jobs at many well-known companies, including Google, Amazon, United Airlines, and Goldman Sachs.